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Organized by language and date of publication (descending), this is an attempt to list news items such as opinion pieces, podcast contributions, interviews, and popular science articles, wherein KR’s researchers speak about topics related to knowledge resistance. Updated continually.

Publications in English-language media:

The link between education and support for climate change is weaker among right-wing ideologists in developed countries – Article in PsyPost about a recent study by Gabriela Czarnek, MaƂgorzata Kossowska and Paulina Szwed – 21/10/20

The Return of Reality? – Interview with Åsa Wikforss by Peter Pomerantsev on BBC4’s “Analysis” – 01/06/20

Interview with Åsa Wikforss about “alternative facts” and disinformation –  On Metafysiska Laboratoriet (English translation of Swedish interview) – 24/05/2020

“Economic news: caught in double asymmetry” – Alyt Damstra on the role of news on public opinion  – 21/02/20

“Why Do We Resist Knowledge? An Interview with Åsa Wikforss” – Interview in IAI News – 04/07/19

“Growing support for foreign workers, survey finds” – Elina Lindgren on a SOM-institute survey about views on immigration – 23/04/19

Christopher Chabris: The Invisible Gorilla – Christopher Chabris on The Social Exchange podcast – 04/01/19

Publications in Swedish-language media:

SÄ gÄr det till nÀr vi vÀljer parti, Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson on how people determine who to vote for, in Forskning & Framsteg. 08/22/22

Demokrati och kunskap, interview with Åsa Wikforss by Gustav KĂ€llstrand on the podcast IdĂ©er som förĂ€ndrar vĂ€rlden. 21/09/21

Om sprĂ„k och fördomar, interview with Torun Lindholm Öjmyr by Fritte Fritzon on the podcast Allt du velat veta. 08/20/21

Jesper StrömbĂ€ck: FörvĂ€xla inte Ă„sikter och fakta – Jesper StrömbĂ€ck on the difference between fact and opinion, in BorĂ„s Tidning 10/05/21

Akademieledamoten: Är rĂ€dd för att demokratin ska gĂ„ under i Sverige – Åsa Wikforss on a new book about democracy, in Dagens Industri. – 10/04/21

Supportrar har liten betydelse för hemmaplansfördel – Torun Lindholm Öjmyr on crowd social pressure on sports referees, at SVT Nyheter. – 03/04/21

Jesper StrömbĂ€ck: Risken Ă€r stor att mĂ„nga kĂ€nner sig informerade utan att vara det – Jesper StrömbĂ€ck on media consumption through social media and a false sense of keeping informed, in BorĂ„s Tidning – 18/02/2021

Sex forskare: Alla medier bĂ€r ett ansvar för den stora lögnen – Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, Kathrin GlĂŒer, Torun Lindholm Öjmyr, Peter Pagin, Jesper StrömbĂ€ck, and Åsa Wikforss on lies about the 2020 US election and the responsibilies of the media. – 08/02/21

Åsa Wikforss: TĂ€nk inte att andra Ă€r dumma i huvudet – Åsa Wikforss on democracy, truth, and knowledge – 22/02/21

För lite reflektion i politiken – Jesper StrömbĂ€ck editorial in BorĂ„s Tidning about reason and reflection. – 07/12/20

VaccinmotstĂ„ndet Ă€r ett hot mot pandemins avslut – Åsa Wikforss on vaccine resistance as a threat to the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, in Swedish newspaper NA – 06/12/20

”Det Ă€r den största och farligaste” – Åsa Wikforss discussing conspiracy theories on Swedish TV show “Malou Efter Tio” – 28/09/20

”Tilltron till myndigheter ökade under coronakrisen” – Jacob Sohlberg and colleagues from Gothenburg University discussing trust in authorities in Swedish newspaper DN – 24/09/20

Jesper StrömbĂ€ck: AuktoritĂ€ra populister urholkar demokratin – Editorial by Jesper StrömbĂ€ck om the dangers of authoritarian populism – 24/09/20

Science: Förnekelsen av vetenskap kostar liv – About a recent article in Science on science denial, with commentary from Åsa Wikforss

Statsvetare ska granska polarisering – Article about a report on polarization headed by Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson – 16/09/20

Åsa Wikforss invĂ€ntar fakta och avfĂ€rdar skitsnack – Åsa Wikforss about life after COVID-19 – 25/07/20
Gruppsykologi avgör coronabeteende – Radio interview with Torun Lindholm Ă–jmyr about group psychology during the corona crisis – 13/07/20

”Fake news” förstĂ€rker fördomar – Jesper StrömbĂ€ck and Torun Lindholm Öjmyr discussinig fake news – 17/06/20

Jesper StrömbĂ€ck: ”Rapportering om fejkade nyheter riskerar att sprida dem mer” – Interview with Jesper StrömbĂ€ck on the role of traditional media in the dissemination of fake news. –  29/05/20

“Det finns en legitim rĂ€dsla för corona – det gör oss manipulerbara” – Åsa Wikforss on knowledge resistance during the Corona chrisis in the newspaper ETC (paywall)  – 17/04/20

“Störst förtroende för Systembolaget – igen” – Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson on the results of a Swedish yearly trust  survey – 11/03/20

“StrömbĂ€ck: Vridna medier Ă€r en myt” – Jesper StrömbĂ€ck on political bias in Swedish media.

Åsa Wikforss: Nya akademiledamoten om fake news och vikten av sanning – Åsa Wikforss about fake news and the importance of truth – 07/12/19

“LĂ€rare har en viktig roll” – Åsa Wikforss on the fight against Fake News in the magazinie SkolvĂ€rlden  – 02/12/19

“Professorn reder ut tre pĂ„stĂ„enden om polarisering” – Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson on polarization  (video)

“Forskaren som blev jĂ€ttearg och skrev en bok” – Interview with Åsa Wikforss in VetenskapsrĂ„det’s magazine Curie – 25/09/19

“MĂ„nga tror att journalister har stor makt” – Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson on the percieved power of journalists – 21/03/19

“I sanningens tjĂ€nst” – Åsa Wikforss on knowledge resistance in the magazine Biblioteksbladet – 18/03/19

“Sanning och alternativa fakta” – Conversation with Åsa Wikforss in the podcast Tro & Förnuft – 11/03/19

“GĂ„r det att motverka kunskapsresistens?” – Research news at Stockholm University – 22/02/19

“Det ogrundade tvivlet. VetenskapsmotstĂ„nd i post-sanningens tid” – Öppen Akademi-lecture with Ă…sa Wikforss (video) – 20/02/19

“Artikelförfattarna misstolkar sin egen statistik” – Debate article by Kathrin GlĂŒer-Pagin, Peter Pagin and Åsa Wikforss – 07/01/19

Publications in Dutch-language media:

‘Er is een nieuwe groep wetenschapssceptici: hoogopgeleide spirituele stadsbewoners’. Roderick Rekker on trust in Science at Folia 29/03/21
‘Linkse Trut’ of ‘racist’: jongeren over de haat tussen linkse en rechtse stemmers. Contribution by Roderik Rekker on NOS Stories – 15/03/21
Aflevering over polarisatie. Interview / discussion on polarization with Roderik Rekker on Radio Swammerdam – 27/09/20
‘Er is geen enkele man die mij nog kan intimideren’ – Interview with Ă…sa Wikforss in De Standaard – 08/02/20
De impact en oorsprong van economisch nieuws, met Alyt Damstra – Alyt Damstra on the role of news on public opinion, on the SRV podcast – 05/03/20
“Onderzoek UvA: economisch nieuws vaak te negatief” – Alyt Damstra on the role of news on public opinion – 29/02/20
Polarisatie en verzoening. Interview / discussion on polarization with Roderik Rekker on Een Vandaag Radio – -25/12/19

Publications in Frisian-language media:

Undersiker Alyt Damstra: “De rol fan it nijs is hiel nijsgjirrich” – Alyt Damstra on the role of news on public opinion – 04/03/20

Publications in German-language media:

Åsa Wikforss: „Die Fakten hatten es noch nie leicht mit uns“ – Interview with Åsa Wikforss in Philosophie Magazin – 05/11/20
“Kommunikationswissenschafter Hajo Boomgaarden ĂŒber Politik als Spektakel” – Hajo Boomgaarden answering reader questions about politics. – 25/02/19

Publications in Norwegian-language media:

Faktasjekk kan spre feil – Elina Lindgren commenting on fact-checking – 06/06/20

Publications in Polish-language media:

Kto nie wierzy w katastrofę klimatyczną? – An interview with MaƂgorzata Kossowska, Gabriela Czarnek and Paulina Szwed about climate denialism in Polish newspaper Polityka – 13/12/20
Czy poglądy polityczne mają wpƂyw na postrzeganie zmian klimatycznych? To sprawdzaƂy polskie badaczki – Gabriela Czarnek and MaƂgorzata Kossowska on the influence of political views on beliefs about climate changeDzieƄ Dobry BiaƂystok – 16/10/20
Powiedz, co sądzisz o katastrofie klimatycznej, a powiem ci, na kogo zagƂosujesz w wyborach – Gabriela Czarnek and MaƂgorzata Kossowska discussing the influence of political views on beliefs about climate change, on podcast OFF Czarek – 07/10/20
WyksztaƂcenie i poglądy polityczne – co mają wspĂłlnego ze zmianami klimatu? – Article on the Nauka w Polsce (Science in Poland) website about the study by Czarnek, Kossowska and Szwed on the effects of political views on climate change beliefs – 06/10/20
Covid, Czyli Racja Stanu – Interview with MaƂgorzata Kossowska about COVID-19 – 14/09/20