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Broda, E., & StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2024). Misinformation, disinformation, and fake news: lessons from an interdisciplinary, systematic literature review. Annals of the International Communication Association, 48(2), 139–166. 10.1080/23808985.2024.2323736

Gehle, L., Hameleers, M., Tulin, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Van Aelst, P., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., van Erkel, P., Esser, F., Halagiera, D., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Meltzer, C. E., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Terren, L., Theocharis, Y., & Zoizner, A. (2024). Misinformation detection in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Evidence from original survey data collected in 19 democracies. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 36(3), 1–12.

GlĂŒer, K & Spectre, L. (2024). Where is the motivation in motivated numeracy? Review of Philosophy and Psychology.

Hameleers, M., Tulin, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Van Aelst, P., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Van Erkel, P., Esser, F., Gehle, L., Halagiera, D., Hopmann, D. N., Koc Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Meltzer, C. E., Mihelj, S., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Terren, L., Theocharis, Y., & Zoizner, A. (2024). Mistakenly misinformed or intentionally deceived? Mis- and disinformation perceptions in the Russian War in Ukraine among citizens in 19 countries. European Journal of Political Research, 63(5), 1642–1654.

Pagin, P. (2024). HÄnfull framstÀllning av högre utbildning, Dagens Arena.

Schemer, C., Stanyer, J., Meltzer, C. E., Gehle, L., Van Aelst, P., Theocharis, Y., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Stetka, V., Stepinska, A., Splendore, S., Zoizner, A., Matthes, J., Koc-Michalska, K., Hopmann, D. N., Esser, F., de Vreese, C., David, Y., Corbu, N., Castro, L., Cardenal, A S., Aalberg, T., van Erkel, P., Terren, L., & Halagiera, D. (2024). The relationship between political entertainment media use and political efficacy: A comparative study in 18 countries. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 36(4), 1–14.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., Broda, E., Tsfati, Y., Kossowska, M. & Vliegenthart, R. (2024). Disentangling the relationship between conspiracy mindset versus beliefs in specific conspiracy theories. Zeitschrift fĂŒr Psychologie, 232(1), 18–25.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., Lindgren, E., Tsfati, Y., Damstra, A., Vliegenthart, R., Boomgaarden, H., Broda, E., Lebernegg, N., & Galyga, S. (2024). Political opinion leaders in high-choice information environments: Are they more informed than others? Mass Communication & Society, 27(5), 949–971. 10.1080/15205436.2023.2281311

Tsfati, Y., Vliegenthart, R., StrömbÀck, J., & Lindgren, E. (2024). An asymmetric reinforcing spiral? Disentangling the longitudinal dynamics of media use and mainstream media trust. Journal of Communication, online early.

Tulin, M., Hameleers, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Corbu, N., van Erkel, Patrick, Esser, Frank, Gehle, Luisa, Halagiera, D., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Mihelj, S., Schemer, C., Stetka, V., StrömbÀck, J., Terren, L., & Theocharis, Y. (2024). Why do citizens choose to read fact-checks in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine? The role of directional and accuracy motivations in nineteen democracies. International Journal of Press/Politics, online early.

Vliegenthart, R., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Boomgaarden, H., Broda, E., Damstra, A., Lindgren, E., Tsfati, Y., & Van Remoortere, A. (2024). Taking political alternative media into account: Investigating the linkage between media repertoires and (mis)perceptions. Mass Communication and Society, 27(5), 877–901.

Zilinsky, J., Theocharais, Y., Pradel, F., Tulin, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Esser, F., Gehle, L., Halagiera, D., Hameleers, M., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Stetka, V., StrömbÀck, J., Terren, L., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Van Aelst, P., & Zoizner, A. (2024). Justifying an invasion: When is disinformation successful? Political Communication, online early.


Damstra, A., Vliegenthart, R., Boomgaarden, H., GlĂŒer, K., Lindgren, E., StrömbĂ€ck, J & Tsfati, Y. (2023). Knowledge and the News: An Investigation of the Relation Between News Use, News Avoidance, and the Presence of (Mis)beliefs. International Journal of Press/Politics, 28(1), 29–48.

Kossowska, M.,  Czarnek, G., &  Szwed, P. (2023).  Political ideology and belief change in the face of counterevidence. European Journal of Social Psychology, 00,  1– 15.

Kossowska, M., Szwed, P., Szumowska, E., Perek-BiaƂas, J., & Czernatowicz-Kukuczka, A. (2023). The role of fear, closeness, and norms in shaping help towards war refugees. Scientific reports, 13(1).

Matthes, J, Corbu, N., Jin, S., Theocharis, Y., Schemer, C., Van Aelst, P., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Koc-Michalska, K., Esser, F., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Castro, L., de Vreese, C., Hopmann, D. N., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., & Zoizner, A. (2023). Perceived prevalence of misinformation fuels worries about COVID-19: A cross-country, multi-method investigation. Information, Communication & Society, 26(16), 3135–3158.

Simons, D.J., & Chabris, C.F. (2023). Nobody’s fool: Why we get taken in and what we can do about it. Basic Books.

Spectre, Levi & Hawthorne, John (2023). Doncaster pandas and Caesar’s armadillo: Scepticism and via negativa knowledge. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):360-373. 10.1111/phpr.12974

StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper (2023). Tendensen att misstro officiella sanningar: konspiratorisk mentalitet hos svenska folket. In Andersson, Ulrika, Öhberg, Patrik, Carlander, Anders, Martinsson, Johan & Theorin, Nora (Eds.), Ovisshetens tid (pp. 389–405). Göteborg: SOM-institutet.

StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper (2023). FörĂ€ndringarna av medielandskapet och det ökade kunskapsmotstĂ„ndet. In Pogulis, Anna-Lena & Larsson, Bo Per (Eds.), Hot mot det demokratiska samtalet. Forskarantologi (pp. 74–84). Stockholm: Sveriges kommuner och regioner.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., Broda, E., Bouchafra, S., Johansson, S., Rettenegger, G., & Lindgren, E. (2023). Conspiracy thinking and the role of media use: Exploring the antecedents of conspiratorial predispositions. European Journal of Communication, 38(3), 255–271.

Theorin, N., Johansson, S., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Johansson, B., Oscarsson, H. (2023). Valfusk i Sverige? AllmĂ€nhetens syn pĂ„ oegentligheter vid svenska val. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 125(4), 1009–1034.

Theocharis, Y., Cardenal, A., Jin, S., Aalberg, T., Hopmann, D. N., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Castro, L., Esser, F., Van Aelst, P., de Vreese, C., Corbu, N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., & Stetka, V. (2023). Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries. New Media & Society, 23(12), 3412–3437.

Tsfati, Y., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Lindgren, E., Boomgaarden, H. G., & Vliegenthart, R (2023). What news outlets do peopple have in mind when they answeer survey questions about trust in ”media”? International Journal of Public Opinion Research.


Castro, L., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Esser, F., Van Aelst, P., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., & Theocharis, Y. (2022). Navigating High-Choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis of News User Profiles and Political Knowledge. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(4), 827–859.

Dawson, S. (2022a). Poll Wars: Perceptions of Poll Credibility and Voting Behaviour. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612221087180.

Dawson, S. (2022b). Perceptions of opinion poll credibility: The role of partisan bias. Party Politics, 13540688221098836.

GlĂŒer, K., Wikforss, Å., & Bergamaschi, M. (2022). The Normativity of Meaning and Content.

Johansson, Bengt, StrömbÀck, Jesper, Johansson, Sofia & Cassel, Felix (2022). SÄrbarhet för informationspÄverkan. Göteborg: JMG, Göteborgs  universitet.

Kossowska, M., Szwed, P., & Czarnek, G. (2022). The Role of Political Ideology and Open-Minded Thinking Style in the (in)Accuracy of Factual Beliefs. Political Behavior

Lindgren, E., Lindholm, T., Vliegenthart, R., Boomgaarden, H. G., Damstra, A., StrömbĂ€ck, J., & Tsfati, Y. (2022). Trusting the Facts: The Role of Framing, News Media as a (Trusted) Source, and Opinion Resonance for Perceived Truth in Statistical Statements. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 107769902211171.

Matthes, J, Corbu, N., Jin, S., Theocharis, Y., Schemer, C., Van Aelst, P., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Koc-Michalska, K, Esser, F., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A.S., Castro, L., de Vreese, C., Hopmann, D., Nicolas, S., Tamir, Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V & Zoizner, A (2022). Perceived prevalence of misinformation fuels worries about COVID-19: A cross-country, multi-method investigation. Information, Communication & Society.

Rekker, R., & Harteveld E. (2022) Understanding factual belief polarization: the role of trust, political sophistication, and affective polarization. Acta Politica.

Shehata, A & StrömbĂ€ck, J (2022). Media use and societal perceptions: The dual role of media trust. Media and Communication, 10(3), 146–157.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., & Wikforss, Å. (Eds.). (2022). Knowledge resistance in high-choice information environments (1 Edition). Routledge.

StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper (2022). Beyond the political framing battles – Sweden in an international comparison. Stockholm: Futurion.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., Broda, E., Bouchafra, S., Johansson, S., Rettenegger, G & Lindgren, E. (2022). Conspiracy thinking and the role of media use: Exploring the antecedents of conspiratorial predispositions. European Journal of Communication,

StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper (2022). Konspiratorisk lĂ€ggning hos svenska folket. In Andersson, Ulrika, Oscarsson, Henrik, Rönnerstrand, Björn & Theorin, Nora (Eds.), Du sköra nya vĂ€rld (pp. 73–86). Göteborg:

StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper & Shehata, Adam (2022). Bidrar public service till bĂ€ttre informerade medborgare? In Bjerling, Johannes (Ed.), Public service. En svensk kunskapsöversikt (pp. 55–73). Göteborg: Nordicom

Tsfati, Y., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Lindgren, E., Damstra, A., Boomgaarden, H & Vliegenthart, R. (2022). Going Beyond General Media Trust: An Analysis of Topical Media Trust, its Antecedents and Effects on Issue (Mis)perceptions. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34(2).

Zoizner, A., Sheafer, T., Castro, L., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. C., Corbu, N., de Vreese, C., Esser, F., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Theocharis, Y & Van Aelst, P (2022). The Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Selective Exposure: Evidence from 17 Countries. Political Communication, 39(5), 674–696.


Agerberg, M., & Sohlberg, J. (2021). Personal Proximity and Reactions to Terrorism. Comparative Political Studies, 001041402199716.

Andersen, K., & StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2021). Media Platforms and Political Learning: The Democratic Challenge of News Consumption on Computers and Mobile Devices. International Journal of Communication15(0), 20.

Aydemir, N., & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). Tracing roots of group representation among MPs with immigrant backgrounds: A content analysis on parliamentary questions in the Netherlands. Ethnicities, 14687968211005188.

Boukes, M., Damstra, A., & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). Media Effects Across Time and Subject: How News Coverage Affects Two Out of Four Attributes of Consumer Confidence. Communication Research48(3), 454–476.

Cardenal, A. S., Castro, L., Schemer, C., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Ste, A., de Vreese, C., & Van Aelst, P. (2021). Divided We Trust?: The Role of Polarization on Rally-around-the-Flag Effects during the COVID-19 Crisis. In Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus (pp. 157–173). Routledge.

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Czarnek, G., Kossowska, M., & Szwed, P. (2021). Right-wing ideology reduces the effects of education on climate change beliefs in more developed countries. Nature Climate Change11(1), 9–13.

Damstra, A., Boomgaarden, H. G., Broda, E., Lindgren, E., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Tsfati, Y., & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). What Does Fake Look Like? A Review of the Literature on Intentional Deception in the News and on Social Media. Journalism Studies, 1–17.

Damstra, A., & Hameleers, M. (2021). Knowledge Acquisition in Times of the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Four-Wave Panel Study. International Journal of Public Opinion Researchedab017

Damstra, A., Vliegenthart, R., Boomgaarden, H., GlĂŒer, K., Lindgren, E., StrömbĂ€ck, J., & Tsfati, Y. (2021). Knowledge and the News: An Investigation of the Relation Between News Use, News Avoidance, and the Presence of (Mis)beliefs. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612211031456.

Enoch, D., & Spectre, L. (2021). Statistical resentment, or: What’s wrong with acting, blaming, and believing on the basis of statistics alone. Synthese

Harteveld, E., & Rekker, R. (2021). Polarisatie in Nederland. In T. Sipma, M. Lubbers, T. van der Meer, N. Spierings, & K. Jacobs (Eds.), Versplinterde vertegenwoordiging: Nationaal Kiezersonderzoek 2021 (pp. 113–124). Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON).

Kossowska, M., Szwed, P., & Czarnek, G. (2021). Ideology shapes trust in scientists and attitudes towards vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations24(5), 720–737.

Lyons, B. A., Montgomery, J. M., Guess, A. M., Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2021). Overconfidence in news judgments is associated with false news susceptibility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(23), e2019527118.

Pagin, P. (2021)’Mattias Karlsson som utbildningsminister, Dagens Arena.

Rekker, R. (2021). The nature and origins of political polarization over science. Public Understanding of Science

Shehata, A., & StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2021). Learning Political News From Social Media: Network Media Logic and Current Affairs News Learning in a High-Choice Media Environment. Communication Research48(1), 125–147.

StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2021a). Media-centric or Politics-centric Political Communication Research? Some Reflections. Political Communication0(0), 1–6.

StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2021b). Media Trust in Europe: Breaking News and Polarized Views [Policy Paper]. European Liberal Foundation.

Theorin, N., Meltzer, C. E., Galyga, S., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Schemer, C., Eberl, J.-M., Lind, F., Heidenreich, T., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2021). Does News Frame Affect Free Movement Attitudes? A Comparative Analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10776990211006792.

Van Aelst, P., Toth, F., Castro, L., Ć tětka, V., Vreese, C. de, Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Esser, F., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., StępiƄska, A., StrömbĂ€ck, J., & Theocharis, Y. (2021). Does a Crisis Change News Habits? A Comparative Study of the Effects of COVID-19 on News Media Use in 17 European Countries. Digital Journalism0(0), 1–31.


Czarnek, G., Kossowska, M., & Szwed, P. (2020). Political ideology and attitudes toward vaccination: Study report. PsyArXiv.

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Oscarsson, G. H. E., & Holmberg, S. (Eds.). (2020). The Research handbook on political partisanship. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Oscarsson, H., & StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2020). Covid 19 Kunskap och konspirationer: SOM-undersökningen om coronaviruset 2020. SOM-institutet.

Pagin, P. (2020). The Indicativity View. In S. Goldberg (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Assertion (pp. 118–137). Oxford University Press.

Pitcovski, E., & Spectre, L. (2020). If you don’t know that you know, you could be surprised. NoĂ»s, nous.12343.

Tsfati, Y., Boomgaarden, H. G., StrömbĂ€ck, J., Vliegenthart, R., Damstra, A., & Lindgren, E. (2020). Causes and consequences of mainstream media dissemination of fake news: Literature review and synthesis. Annals of the International Communication Association44(2), 157–173.

StrömbĂ€ck, J., Tsfati, Y., Boomgaarden, H., Damstra, A., Lindgren, E., Vliegenthart, R., & Lindholm, T. (2020). News media trust and its impact on media use: Toward a framework for future research. Annals of the International Communication Association44(2), 139–156.


Dahlgren, P. M., Shehata, A., & StrömbĂ€ck, J. (2019). Reinforcing spirals at work? Mutual influences between selective news exposure and ideological leaning. European Journal of Communication34(2), 159–174.

Meyer, M. N., Heck, P. R., Holtzman, G. S., Anderson, S. M., Cai, W., Watts, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (2019a). Objecting to experiments that compare two unobjectionable policies or treatments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences116(22), 10723–10728.

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Work in press, under review, or in preparation

Friberg-Fernros, Henrik, Mattias Agerberg, Jakob Ahlbom & Henrik Oscarsson. Liberal-conservative asymmetry in politically biased reasoning: An argument scheme approach. Under review.

Button, Tim; Rothschild Daniel & Spectre, Levi (MS). Too clever by halving. Under review.

Enoch, David & Spectre, Levi. There is no such thing as doxastic wrongdoing. Philosophical Perspectives. In preparation.

Lindholm, T., Isohanni, F., Appelbom, S., & Svenson, O. From top-down to bottom-up: How disambiguating facts reduces myside bias. In preparation.

Santos, H.C., Chabris, C.F., & Meyer, M.N. (2022). Belief revision in response to information about expert views on topics in genetics and economics. In preparation.

Van Aelst, Peter, van Erkel, Patrick, Castro, Laia, Koc-Michalska, Karolina, StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper & Stanyer, James (2022). A cross-national and cross-temporal analysis of social media use on political knowledge: Do people learn? Under review.

Wikforss, Å. 2022. â€Demokratin och desinformationen”, i VĂ€rderingsförĂ€ndringar i ett Europaperspektiv. Hot mot vĂ„r sĂ€kerhet?, Antologi II SES, red. B. Körlöf.